The White Tiger

96 – 128


  1. What does the chandelier represent to Balram?


  1. What kind of city is Delhi?


  1. What does Belram think makes the rich housing districts crazy?


  1. Describe the people who live by the side of the roads in Delhi.


  1. What do the Mongoose and Mr. Ashok argue about in the car?


  1. What does Belram say is the reason the government of India publishes Murder Weekly cheaply enough for the poor to buy it?


  1. What are some things the driver with the skin disease offers to get for Mr. Ashok?


  1. Why does Belram move out of the servantsÕ quarters?


  1. What is one drawback to BelramÕs private room?


  1. Why do the people of Delhi wear face masks?


  1. Why does Belram say that in Delhi there are two cities?


  1. What does Belram do when the Mongoose demands that he find a rupee?


  1. What instructions does the Mongoose give Belram before he leaves?


  1. What does Pinky Madam dislike about BelramÕs looks?


  1. Is Belram better or worse off for leaving ŌThe Darkness?Ķ  Explain.