The White Tiger

Page 129-161


  1. According to Belram, what makes Ashok a good husband?


  1. How does Ashok try to make up with his wife for hitting her?


  1. What would be the benefits of an underground railway under ground in Delhi?


  1. What does the beggar child offer Belram?


  1. Why do you think Pinky Madam drives the car at Belram as if to run him over?


  1. What explanation does Belram give Pinky Madam for not being angry?


  1. How does Pinky react when she realizes she has run over a child?


  1. How does Belram confirm it was a child that was killed?


  1. Why does the Mongoose treat Belram kindly and tell him heÕs a part of the family?


  1. Why does the MongooseÕs request not shock Belram?


  1. How do the masters get away with blaming their drivers for their crimes?


  1. The Fifth Night


  1. How are chickens kept in the market?


  1. How are Indians caught in the ÒRooster CoopÓ according to Belram?


  1. How are the rich able to maintain power in India?


  1. What does Belram worry will happen to him in jail?


  1. When the stork calls for Belram, he thinks heÕs saved.  What does the stork really want?


  1. How is Belram eventually pardoned?


  1. Where does Pinky Madam ask Belram to drive her?


  1. How much money does Pinky pay Belram?


  1. How does Belram try to comfort Ashok when he gets drunk after Pinky leaves?


  1. What does Ashok tell the Mongoose that reveals he does not consider Ashok a friend?