College Essay Prompts


  1. If you were writing your autobiography right now, what would be ten events or things that would have to be included?  Think over your life chronologically.


  1. Ask a few friends and family members to pick five adjectives or personality traits that character you. 


  1. List five accomplishments have made over the last five years.


  1. List five things on which you would consider yourself very knowledgeable.


  1. What are your most important extracurricular or community activities?


  1. List five people whom you respect and admire.  They can be real or fictional, dead or alive.


  1. What is your favorite movie or book?


  1. Who is your favorite musician?


  1. List two times in life when you failed miserably.


  1. List two times in life when you succeeded fantastically.


  1. Ask your family for five events in your life that they will always remember.


  1. List four of your favorite things.  These can include activities, places, objects, virtues, etc.


  1. List four of your least favorite things.  These can include activities, places, objects, virtues, etc.