

Bless Me Ultima Chapters 4-8 (Cuatro-Ocho)


1.   How did Ultima feel about plants, the river, and other parts of nature?

2.   What did the M‡rez family always do after supper?

3.   How did Ultima describe the Luna and M‡rez families?

4.   Why did Antonio's family go to El Puerto?

5.   How did Antonio describe the time spent in El Puerto?

6.   How did Antonio feel about going to school?

7.   What was Antonio's biggest obstacle in school?

8.   What did Antonio discover about his cultural background on the first day of school? 

9.   What did Gabriel Luna want to do once his sons returned from the war?

10.  What did Antonio's brothers talk about doing?

11.  What did Antonio say he would have to do every time he passed the river?

12.  What did AntonioÕs parents usually do on Saturdays?

13.  Was AntonioÕs dad a very religious person? How do you know?

14.  What did Antonio think was going to happen to LupitoÕs soul?

15.  According to AntonioÕs mom, what is a true way of life?

16.  What did people call Ultima?

17.  On Saturdays, what did Gabriel do after work when they lived by the llano?

18.  Why did Maria and Ultima dress in black?

19.  Who is Rosie?

20.  Which saint does AntonioÕs love the most?


Admonished    scalding           blaspheme        hypnotically     endowed

Succulent         droning            calloused          tolling              brooding