Tree Girl Chapter 2

1.      What questions did the Guerrillas ask Gabriela and her people? 15

2.      How did Esperanza respond to the Guerrillas’ questions?  Why? 16

3.      What tactics did political parties use to control the people? 17

4.      How was Antonio different from his twin sister? 18

5.      What were some of Lester’s worst characteristics? 18

6.      Why was Jorge frustrated and disappointed? 19

7.      What are the steps for preparing a pig to be cooked? 20 

8.      How is a pig cooked? 23

9.      What did Gabriela receive as a present from her parents?26

10.  What transformation does the priest tell Gabriela she has made during the quinceanera? 26



Tree Girl Chapter 2   Vocabulary

Vocabulary Word

Page #

Definition in English

Definition in your language

Sentence from the book with the word

1.   weapons




2.   risk





3.   abductions





4.   butchering





5.   sloth





6.   grudgingly





7.   patiently





8.   boisterous



9.   incense





10.  abundant






Tree Girl Chapter 2   Vocabulary


1.      The priest burns _______ in church when he blesses the people.

2.      The boys sang _______ songs as they drank boj and cooked the pig.

3.      Lester was so lazy his father said his real father is a __________.

4.      The Guerrillas always asked what ___________ the enemy’s carried.

5.      There was ________ abundant food, drink, and dancing at the party.

6.      Jorge ________ allowed Gabriela to help get the pig ready.

7.      Mother _________ answered each of her daughter’s questions

8.      There was great _______ if you hid a Guerrilla in your home.

9.      Political parties sometimes used threats and _________ to control the people.

10.  Jorge needed help __________ the pig for the big feast.

11.  weapons                                              a.         uncomplainingly                    

12.  risk                                                      b.         danger

13.  sloth                                                    c.         kidnapping

14.  abductions                                           d.         unruly, rowdy

15.  butchering                                           e.         rich, plentiful

16.  grudgingly                                           f.          reluctantly, unwillingly, bitterly

17.  patiently                                              g.         killing, slaughtering

18.  abundant                                             h.         arms, guns, missiles

19.  boisterous                                           i.          slow-moving mammal

20.  incense                                                j.          fragrant smoke