Tree Girl Chapter 11-12

1.                  Why did Gabriela agree to accept a ride from the man in the pickup truck.

2.                  What did the refugee camp look like?

3.                  How did the refugees act when the aid workers were passing out food?

4.                   In the camp, where do people go to the bathroom?

5.                  How does Gabriela get water to drink?

6.                  What does Gabriela use to cover herself during the night?

7.                  How does Gabriela get the blue plastic tarp?

8.                  What makes Gabriela think her father would have been ashamed of her?

9.                  Describe Rosa and Carmen.

10.              What responsibility does Gabriela accept that makes her feel uncomfortable?

11.              Why does Gabriela not acknowledge the dead in the camp?

12.              What are some of the descriptions the refugees share with each other about the United States?

13.              What do the refugees know about coyotes?

14.              Who does Mario Salvador say is to blame for the Guatemalan genocide?

15.              Describe Alicia when Gabriela sees her at the camp.




Tree Girl Chapter 11-12 Vocabulary

Vocabulary Word

Page #

Definition in English

Definition in your language

Sentence from the book with the word

1.   tense






2.   apprehension






3.  ventured






4.   tarp






5.   exposed






6.   tattered






7.   randomly






8.     morsel






9.     frenzied






10.   pleading







1.              She looked with ______________ at the truck, not sure if she should get in.


2.              You had to go to the bathroom _______________ to anyone around.


3.              The crowd was ______________ and pushing hard when the truck with supplies came.


4.              The refugees are ______________ for food and shelter. 


5.              Gabriela feels like a scavenger looking for any ____________ of food.


6.              Gabriela didnŐt trust anyone and felt _____________ when she was approached by strangers.


7.              Fear and ______________ gripped Gabriela when she couldnŐt find Alicia.


8.              The ______________ blue plastic tarp was all Gabriela could get for shelter.


9.               She put up the ____________ using sticks to help sustain it.


10.           The people were ______________ distributed, with no order. 


11.            To try to persuade, convince                                      ____________________


12.           a bite, a mouthful, a small portion                                ____________________


13.           ragged, torn, ripped                                                      ___________________


14.           waterproof, covering of canvas material                      ____________________   


15.           suspicion, fear of trouble                                             ____________________


16.           a strain on the nerves                                                   ____________________


17.           To expose to risk                                                          ____________________


18.           Laid open to view                                                         ____________________


19.           Occurring without reason or pattern                          ____________________


20.            Wildly excited, enthusiastic                                      ____________________